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ResponsibleSteel launches world’s first sustainability standard for steel industry

ALCAS President

The ResponsibleSteel Standard, the world’s first international, multi-stakeholder standard for responsible production for steel making and processing sites, was officially launched today at ResponsibleSteel’s Forum II in Wollongong, Australia.

The steel industry currently faces challenges such as high greenhouse gas emissions, implementing sustainable mining practices, employee safety and labour rights. The ResponsibleSteel Standard helps the steel industry address these challenges by defining the fundamental elements, and levels of implementation that characterise the responsible sourcing and production of steel. It supports ResponsibleSteel’s vision: to maximise steel's contribution to a sustainable society.

The Standard consists of twelve principles: Corporate Leadership; Social Environmental and Governance Management Systems; Occupational Health and Safety; Labour Rights; Human Rights; Stakeholder Engagement and Communication; Local Communities; Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Noise, Emissions, Effluent and Waste; Water Stewardship; Biodiversity; and Decommissioning and Closure.

ResponsibleSteel has developed tools to help organisations implement the Standard, including Implementation Instructions and an Assurance Manual. The first auditor training workshop was held in London on 18th-20th November. It is expected that the first certified steel sites audited with ResponsibleSteel Standard will be announced in the first half of 2020.

Click here to access ResponsibleSteel Standard version 1.0

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