IELab Conference 2020
3rd - 5th February 2020
Lutanda Mt Victoria conference & recreation centre, the Blue Mountains, New South Wales, Australia
NOTE: Kindly note that ALCAS will not be running the 2020 Life Cycle Assessment Symposium anymore, however the IELab conference is going ahead as planned.
You are cordially invited to participate in the 2020 IELab Conference!
The IELab is a collaborative virtual laboratory for undertaking input-output modeling (including input-output LCA) and is a powerful tool and data source for sustainability sciences.
The majority of rooms onsite have bunk beds. Please let us know before booking (by emailing support@ielab.info) if you require disabled-access onsite, if you are bringing family (especially children), or if you have any other special circumstances. Rooms for special needs are limited onsite.
Please complete the following form for any special dietary requirements. Enter “IELab Conference” as the Group Name and select “Lutanda Mount Victoria” for the Centre. Forms must be submitted by 17th January 2020.
The following rates are for two days/nights per person.
Regular (registration after 20 December)
On-site accommodation: $500 Off-site accommodation: $450
Student: Regular (registration after 20 December)
On-site accommodation: $250 Off-site accommodation: $200
To register and pay, click here.
Getting There
Address: 6-9 Eltham Park Avenue, Mount Victoria NSW 2786
Directions from Mount Victoria Train Station:
About a 23 min walk from the train station to the conference centre.
Directions from Sydney CBD/Airport:
Take the subway train to Sydney Central Station and change there to the Blue Mountains train line to Mount Victoria. Total trip duration is 2.5 to 3 hours. Opal cards can be purchased at Sydney airport train station.