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Kyle O'Farrell on becoming a Certified LCA Practitioner

Kyle O’Farrell recently qualified as a Certified LCA Practitioner. We caught up with him to find out how it all went.

What is your background in LCA?

I started working on LCA related project back in 2004, while employed by Nolan-ITU, and by 2008 was the primary LCA analyst at Hyder Consulting (now Arcadis), a large engineering consultancy. With a number of exceptions, most of my LCA work has related to the packaging space, waste and recycling systems, or plastics use more generally.

What made you decide to become a certified practitioner?

I saw the certified practitioner recognition as offering a few things, including being an opportunity to undertake a refresher on my LCA skills and identify any areas where I might need to do a bit more work. And of course a marketing benefit, in terms of being better able to demonstrate to potential clients that I can do the work they require.

How did you find the exam?

I was impressed by the exam, and suspect it struck a good balance on the difficulty and range of questions. Clearly a very significant amount of work had gone into preparing the paper, and the contributors are to be commended.

Some good and dorky LCA humour slipped into some of the exam questions as well, which was nicely done!

It would be good however to get an actual result though, to help with identifying any poor performing areas.

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