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  • ALCAS President

Developing guidelines for input-output and hybrid inventories.

ALCAS has recently begun to explore the use of input-output and hybrid data in LCA. Using process data, as in AusLCI or ecoinvent, is the most common way of building databases of inventories. That is not to say that there are no other ways to do it! ALCAS will be preparing a document focused on these other possibilities.

Input-output data has been used to model the impacts of commodities and industries since the 1960’s. Hybrid models, which combine the use of process and input-output data, have been used for several decades as well.

The document under development is targeted at members of ALCAS interested in these two approaches, with the aim of providing information on their mechanics, strengths and weaknesses, guidelines on how these can be applied in practice, and the tools and data already available.

ALCAS will work in partnership with the Industrial Ecology Lab (IELab), the Australian collaborative platform for multi-regional input-output modelling and research.

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