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Australasian EPDs now make carbon certification easier

For holders of Australasian EPDs certifying a product or service as carbon neutral has just got a lot simpler under the Australian Government’s National Carbon Offset Standard (NCOS).

From 1st November 2017 Australasian EPD’s have been officially recognised as consistent with the greenhouse gas calculations and auditing requirements in the revised NCOS Product & Service Standard.

For companies with an Australasian EPD already, this means the carbon neutral certification process is greatly streamlined – saving time and money. There is no need for another LCA or verification audit to complete NCOS certification.

Quantifying and verifying the carbon footprint of a product or service is one of the key outputs of an Australasian EPD. This quantification allows EPD owners to accurately cost out the opportunities for full carbon offset for carbon neutrality or opt-in carbon offsets for customers.

The recognition is yet another benefit for holders of Australasian EPDs – closely aligned with ALCAS, LCANZ and the International EPD System.

You can access the revised NCOS Product & Service Standard here.

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